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Plains of Eidolon: Warframe's latest groundbreaking expansion so far
Among the games that I've played in my 22 years of existence, I think Warframe was the free-to-play game that gave me the most chills....
Warframe TennoLIVE 2017 from TennoCon
#2017 #tenno #warframe #tennocon #live #livestream #event #freetoplay #f2p #pc #ps4 #xbox
Paragon, the eye candy-filled MOBA from Epic Games
Paragon is a free-to-play third-person science-fantasy MOBA made by Epic Games - the guys that brought you Gears of War - using their...
Try EA's Origin Access subscription for free!
Origin, Electronic Arts' own Steam-ish like DRM (digital rights management), just got a major revamp last year, and is currently being...
Crowdfunding Video Games: Is It Worth It?
Recently, Polygon and a few other websites have put up articles that have indicated that video game crowdfunding had come to a decline in...
Bethesda announces Morrowind, The Elder Scrolls Online's newest expansion
Even though I was only able to play Skyrim on PC, this is still a big thing. Bethesda announced yesterday that they will be adding a new...
Total Newbie plays Dark Souls III; A Quest to Git Gud
I’ve heard a lot about this particular franchise and have seen many memes and parodies of it. Everything from its notorious difficulty...
A Healthy Gamer is a Strong Gamer!
Playing competitive games like League of Legends can be fun yet frustrating at the same time. It’s almost on the same level as playing...
Warframe: An Introduction to Being a Space Ninja
What is Warframe? Warframe is a free-to-play cooperative third-person shooter developed by Digital Extremes. Imagine Destiny, but...
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