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Bethesda announces Morrowind, The Elder Scrolls Online's newest expansion

Even though I was only able to play Skyrim on PC, this is still a big thing. Bethesda announced yesterday that they will be adding a new expansion to their MMORPG game The Elder Scrolls Online, which is Morrowind. This expansion will add the island of Vvardenfell to the game, allowing players to explore the iconic setting from The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.

What will this expansion add, you ask? Besides letting players explore Vvardenfell, this expansion will offer players new quests involving a demigod and an assassin, a new nature-based, magic-wielding class called the Warden that comes with a War Bear as a companion, and new PvP battlegrounds that offer new 4v4v4 player vs. player combat set in competitive arena-style environments.

The expansion will be released on the 6th of June this year, and will cost new players $59.99 including the base game. Players who already own a copy of the Tamriel Unleashed version of the game can add the expansion for $39.99.

I'm still hesitant on buying this game, but who knows, maybe someday my inner Dragonborn fus-ro-dahs my wallet into submission.

You can pre-order the expansion by clicking here.

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