Riot Pls: Goodbye IP & Level 30 Cap, Hello Blue Essence
For this episode of Riot's Riot Pls, Lead Producer New001 gives an update on Runes Reforged, changes to leveling, details of the Runes transition plan, and more! However, if you're too tired to watch the whole video, we've provided a list of the major changes that are coming.
Runes & Masteries
Runes and masteries will be combined in a new streamlined system as part of the Runes Reforged. It will be coming into PBE later this month.
Revamped Rewards System
The Level 30 Cap will be lifted
Instead of getting IP after every game, players will be receiving an unlocked chest every time they level up, customized depending on the player's level
Leveling from 1-30 will give players more champions and Blue Essence, while higher milestones (Level 50, 70, etc.) will give players exclusive rewards like emotes that show off one's status

Merging IP and Blue Essence
This will help players buy and craft champions using a single currency
Blue Essence will be used in everything that used to cost IP, including champions in the Store
Players' existing IP will be converted directly to Blue Essence
Blue Essence gained from disenchanting champions will be tuned down
Loot boxes will be tweaked so that players will get 2 rewards in 1 chest.
Crafting Bad Luck Protection - players won't go on long streaks of opening boxes without getting skin shards or gemstones
Runes will now be free
Runes bought before the beginning of the 2017 season (December 7th of 2016) will be refunded
Tier 3 Glyphs, Marks, and Seals = 100 Blue Essence
Tier 3 Quintessences = 300 Blue Essence
Each Rune Page bought with IP = 1500 Blue Essence
Each 4 Rune Pages bought with RP = 1 Epic Mystery Skin for owned champions
Limited Time Blue Essence Store
opens at the start of the pre-season
Purchase Ward Skins, Icons, Chromas, and super-rare high-priced skins e.g. Urfwick
Quality of Life Changes
Skins Tab to Collection page
To read more about these changes, click here.