Plains of Eidolon: Warframe's latest groundbreaking expansion so far

Among the games that I've played in my 22 years of existence, I think Warframe was the free-to-play game that gave me the most chills. The reveal of their latest expansion at their annual TennoCon event just did it again. Watch the trailer below.
Honestly, while watching the TennoCon livestream, I was already expecting some trailer and gameplay reveals but not of this gravity. My heart was not prepared. While watching the gameplay of their latest expansion, all I did was whisper "wow". DE really dropped the bomb this time.
So what is coming with Warframe's Plains of Eidolon update/expansion?

The update will introduce you to Landscapes, which are large maps that you can explore. When I said "large", I didn't mean instanced levels that are only a bit larger than the usual, I mean large-large. This map called Plains of Eidolon, for example, spans 3 kilometers. I'm hoping that they will add more Landscapes to explore in the long run.

Feel free to walk, sprint, jump, and even summon your archwing at will while adoring the beautiful landscape, attacking Grineer outposts, and hunting resources.

In addition to this new-found freedom, you can also explore Cetus, a bustling town inhabited by the Ostrons. The place functions like a relay, only more alive.
"This group of scavengers’ culture revolves around the grotesque harvesting of biomechanical tissue from long-dormant Orokin Towers. Utilize Ostron gear to your advantage with their unique modular weapons and fit in with the natives with new Warframe customizations.
Seek missions, storylines, and news from the workers, scavengers, women, and children in the town and experience how the ongoing war and the ravages of the Grineer have affected and shaped their lives."
- TennoCon Announcement recap site
Uhm, yeah, you read that right. Those may sound like something out an MMORPG but it's actually good. NPC questing, news, lore, a larger array of customization options and crafting/naming your own weapon using Ostron-endemic weapon parts? Hooray!

Unlike the small instanced maps, Landscapes implement a full day and night cycle. And, unlike the instanced maps, the night cycle in the Landscapes, particularly this one, posts a threat so grave threat that you'll even see the Grineer run away. BIG. WORLD. BOSS.
Don't believe us? Watch until the end of the gameplay video below.
Besides this expansion, DE also revealed that the first issue of the Warframe comics will be coming out this October.

Also, the next prime warframe will be Hydroid Prime, accompanied by Ballistica Prime and Nami Skyla Prime. Hydroid will also undergo some minor tweaks. The design looks badass and to be honest, Hydroid Prime looks like a samurai here.

A new frame is also being worked on and this upcoming frame is inspired by glass i.e. shatter, shapeshifting, reflection.

Lastly, as the livestream ended, people from the event grounds and from around the world did not expect this:
That's right. The much-awaited and requested Excalibur Umbra is coming accompanied by a quest.
Whether you're someone looking for a game to invest time in or a seasoned player, I think with this expansion, Warframe just stepped up their quality.
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