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League of Legends' Urgot Rework revealed

In our previous article regarding Riot Games' upcoming reworks, we mentioned that Urgot was a champion that needed an overhaul due to his confused kit and ghastly visuals. Now that his rework is out, wow, he's looking A-Okay.

Visually, the new Urgot looks very intimidating, unlike the old one (first image) who looked like an obese guy with quadruped mechalegs leaking with green goo all over his body. Instead of fear, you'll be disgusted instead.

Old Urgot

Urgot 2.0 had some gym time, covered by embossed markings, has 6 legs containing toxins, has a massive gun for an arm instead of the ol' kitchen knife, and a hidden meat grinder in his belly. He now looks like Bane riding a sick hexapod abomination.

His new skill set lives up to his juggernaut-like characteristic - it's aggressive and it'll make you run for your life. For a better understanding, here's a full showcase of Urgot's skills by SkinSpotlights.

For Urgot's skins, well, let's just say that the feeling is mutual.

Base Urgot


Battlecast Urgot

Butcher Urgot

Regarding the release date, I'm guessing he's going to be available by Patch 7.15 or 7.16. Although, he's already available on the PBE so you can try him out there. If you want an in-depth look regarding Urgot's rework, check out Urgot's Champion Spotlight page here.

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