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Fallout Shelter is now out on Windows 10

When Fallout Shelter came out on the Apple Store, I envied my colleagues who enjoyed playing it because the game looked fun and it gave that "The Sims" vibe. When it came out on Android, I immediately got it. While I always enjoyed playing Fallout Shelter on my phone, I wished that it was on PC as well because my phone kept on heating up every time I play and the small screen made it difficult for me to manage my Vault.

That changed yesterday when Bethesda announced that Fallout Shelter is now free-to-download on the Windows Store as a "Play Anywhere" game in conjunction with Xbox One. Originally, Fallout Shelter on PC required access to the Bethesda launcher in order for you to play. And, to top that announcement, they released a new trailer!

Because of this, players can now switch playing the game between PC and Xbox One. But what I'm interested in is how the gameplay feels, if it's similar with playing via tablet or phone.

I haven't installed Fallout Shelter on my PC yet, but my hands are itching to get it. Watch out for my review on Bethesda's Fallout Shelter on PC.

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