Riot Games reveals upcoming reworks and more

Reworks are coming fast for League of Legends nowadays, and so far, Riot has been hitting all the right notes. It seems that Riot's two Large Rework Teams, Alpha and Bravo, are doing a great job. While Bravo was working on Warwick, Alpha was working on Galio's rework.
Now that Warwick's done, Bravo moved on to reworking Urgot. Alpha, on the other hand, will work on Evelynn once they've finished reworking Galio. You can read more details in their State of the Champion update for January 2017.
Urgot's one champion that I rarely see being used in-game or in any Worlds tournament. Heck, he's been regarded as one of the worst champions in League. It's like you can't really distinguish where to use him. But fear not, for he's going to have a major surgery that might give him his reputation back.

"Urgot is like the poster child of champions with confused thematics, kit, visuals, and narrative. He’s a ranged character with a knife-hand, he’s a Marksman that’s also kind of a tank, that swaps himself INTO the enemy team. He’s Noxian but he looks like he’s from Zaun. There’s A LOT of stuff going on with Urgot that have made him a very difficult champion to rework, but we are happy to announce that we finally have a solid direction for Urgot that we want to go into production with."
For Evelynn, Riot wants to solidify her as an assassin rather than a diver. Her permastealth will stay, though.

"Our three big design goals with Evelynn’s kit are to solidify her as the Assassin she was meant to be (not the diver she has become), add a bit more more satisfaction on ability use, and increase her game health. Specifically, we want to make her map presence less oppressive in the early game. We think PermaStealth is a cool and unique trait, so we don’t plan on removing it but we do think there is a healthier version of it that will allow us to shift power elsewhere in Evelynn’s kit."
After updating the Mage and Assassin classes, Riot will now be working on the Tanks, or in this case, Vanguards. The update will focus on the defensive items' benefit on tank-based champions and on giving tanks flexibility in-game.

"We want to give tanks more mastery and skill expression, as well as unique identities. This doesn’t mean we want every tank to require high mechanical skill, but we do want players to feel like the more they play a champion the better they get at that particular champion. Right now many of our tank champions have the flattest mastery curves in the game (basically this means players don’t improve much as they continue to play the champion)."
Other updates that will be coming are new splash arts for Galio's rework, new splash arts for Karma, followed by Maokai and Sejuani old skins splash arts for the upcoming Tanks update.
What are your thoughts on this?